Non-surgical Body Treatments

Single treatments: 30 mins – 60 mins

1 Area Body Sculpt

Treatment consists of Ultrasonic cavitation, Radio frequency and Manual Lymphatic massage.
From £89

2 Area Body Sculpt

Treatment consists of Ultrasonic cavitation, Radio frequency and Manual Lymphatic massage.
From £149

Brazilian MLD Massage

Treatment consists of Manual Lymphatic massage.
From £89 per session

Brazilian Butt Lift

Treatment consists of Ultrasonic cavitation, Radio frequency, RF Vacuum therapy, Endermotherapy, and Manual Lymphatic massage.
From £160

Post-op MLD Massage (Standard)

Treatment consists of Post-operative Brazilian lymphatic massage. —— (Advanced Post-op - Ultrasound therapy, Radio frequency, Brazilian lymphatic massage, Endermotherapy, K-taping.)
From £95 per session

Skin Tightening

Treatment consists of Radio frequency, Endermotherapy and Manual Lymphatic massage.
From £80 (per area)

Cellulite Reduction

Treatment consists of Radio frequency, RF Vacuum therapy, Endermotherapy , Fat dissolving and Manual Lymphatic massage. From £180 (per area)
With fat dissolving - £245

Radio Frequency (Skin Tightening)

Skin Tightening (Radio Frequency) is an aesthetic technique, that uses RF energy to heat epidermal and dermal layers of the skin, to stimulate collagen production. 
The technique induces tissue remodelling and production of new collagen and elastin, to reduce the appearance of fine lines and loose skin.
Full Face & Neck
Hips (love handles)
Breasts & Pectorals
Knee (Medial region)
Backs of Hands
The body requires 72 hours between treatment.

On average, most clients require 6 – 12 treatments to achieve the best possible results.
A mild exfoliation scrub prior to RF will prepare your skin to get maximum results. Your treatment clinician will advise you of exfoliation options that are appropriate for your skin type.
Any deep exfoliation treatment – such as chemical peels or skin needling, should be avoided a week prior to and a week following your treatment.

A professional range of 30+ sunscreen will be applied immediately following your treatment by your therapist and reapplied as necessary over the following 72 hours
Skin Tightening is a painless treatment, and most clients will experience zero discomfort. Some find the warm sensation relaxing.
This non-invasive treatment is a great solution for natural Botox, however there are contradictions to Radio Frequency – it’s important to ensure you’re eligible for the treatment:
Previous Cosmetics Treatments:
•   Chemical Peel, Microneedling, Microblading (no treatments within 2 weeks)
•   IPL/Laser Skin Treatment  (no treatments within 2 weeks)
•   Filler (no treatments within 4 weeks)
•   Anti-wrinkle injections (Botox / Dysport) (no treatments within 2 weeks)
Permanent Makeup & Tattoos
Why is it contraindicated?
When RF treatments are performed over any tattoo, it can cause the ink to heat up more than the surrounding tissue, potentially causing an adverse reaction. The tattoo may become distorted or faded due to the stimulation by heat.
Can we proceed with treatment?
The area surrounding the tattoo can be treated however the area within 2cm of the tattoo should be avoided.
Cold Sores
History of diseases stimulated by heat, such as Herpes Simplex in the treatment area.
Why is it contraindicated?
During radiofrequency treatment, we require the skin on the face to be heated to 39-42 degrees to achieve the desired result. This introduction of heat could stimulate those susceptible to an outbreak of Herpes Simplex.
Can we proceed with treatment?
If a client is very prone to cold sores (herpes simplex), we recommend they take an anti-viral before their treatment to minimise the likelihood of an outbreak. However, we cannot perform the treatment on their face whilst there is an active outbreak present, and they must be completely healed.
You are NOT eligible for this treatment if you have any of the below conditions:
  • Keloid Scarring
  • Cancer, Chemotherapy or Radiotherapy (within 2 years)
  • Diabetes
  • Cardiac Disease
  • Pacemaker or Internal Defibrillator
  • Roaccutane  (within 6 months)
  • Photosensitising Medications (within the past two weeks)
  • Blood Thinners
  • Metal Plates or Pins
  • High/Low Blood Pressure
  • Pregnant, Trying to Become Pregnant or Breastfeeding


Ultrasonic Cavitation works by targeting fat cells in the adipose tissue with high-frequency sound waves that shake the cell membrane to the point of rupture. This process breaks down and disperses the fat tissue, allowing it to reduce in size.
The released fat is then taken on by the lymph system, exiting the body through natural sweat, urine, and bowel movements.
Body contouring treatment only works on the targeted unwanted fat cells and does not cause damage to the surrounding tissue.
Hips (love handles)
Knee (Medial region) 
The body requires 72 hours to eliminate toxins after a treatment therefore treatments can only be provided every 3 days.
On average, most clients require 6 – 12 treatments to achieve the best possible results.
To ensure your body responds well to Body Contouring at least 2 litres of water should be consumed over a 24-hour period prior to the treatment.
It is essential to stagger water consumption over this period to ensure your body is well hydrated.
At SLA, we encourage some form of exercise or sauna session after each session.
While Body contouring is a great tool to help to contour your body, it will not compensate for a healthy & active lifestyle.
Exercising pre & post treatments will only encourage the lymph system to work harder 
– achieving better results.
Ultrasound Body Contouring treatment is completely non-surgical, non-invasive and doesn’t require anaesthesia. Most clients describe the treatment as painless and comfortable. Some clients even find the warm sensation in the targeted area during treatment quite relaxing.
Cellulite and adipose fat are best reduced using ultrasonic cavitation. This enhances the form and contour of the body while also reducing circumference.
Fat Cavitation is a non-invasive, painless treatment. During the treatment a side effect from the Ultrasound treatment, is soundwaves can be heard prominently by the client – this sounds like crickets in your ears, past the first minute of treatment clients adjust. Some clients can experience tingling, sensitivity or heat rash from the friction; however, this settles down within 2 hours post treatment. Tissues, cells, and organs in the immediate vicinity remain unaffected.
Ultrasonic cavitation does not kill fat cells. It reduces the contents to liquid form, to then drain through your lymphatic system. Therefore if you do gain weight in the future your fat cells can store fat once more.
The lymphatic system is a network of delicate tubes throughout the body. It drains fluid (called lymph) that has leaked from the blood vessels into the tissues and empties it back into the bloodstream via the lymph nodes. The main roles of the lymphatic system include: managing the fluid levels in the body.
When the ultrasound technology targets the layer of fat beneath the skin, it causes the fat cell contents to break down into liquid form. Which is then taken on by the lymphatic system to drain from your body,  through passing urine and sweating. Which is why we advise our clients to drinks plenty of water within 48 hours of treatment and to have a good sweat post session – through a  workout or Sauna
You are NOT eligible for this treatment if you have any of the below conditions:
  • Fake Tan (not recommended)
  • High Cholesterol
  • Hearing aids (Unless these can be completely removed during your treatment)
  • Liver disease
  • Metabolic problems (hypertriglyceridemia, hypercholesterolemia)
  • Excess alcohol consumption
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Poor lymphatic systems
  • Keloid Scarring
  • Cancer, Chemotherapy or Radiotherapy (within 2 years)
  • Diabetes
  • Cardiac Disease
  • Pacemaker or Internal Defibrillator
  • Roaccutane  (within 6 months)
  • Photosensitising Medications (within the past two weeks)
  • Blood Thinners
  • Metal Plates or Pins
  • High/Low Blood Pressure
  • Pregnant, Trying to Become Pregnant or Breastfeeding


The Lymphatic System is an anatomical system consisting of lymph, lymph vessel, and lymph nodes, which collect fluid throughout the body and return it to the main circulation for redistribution. This system filters good and bad bacteria around the body for use and elimination. As the lymphatic system does not have a natural pump, our Brazilian Lymphatic massage stimulates the lymphatic system, helping to clear out those toxins and bad bacteria the body has deemed ready for elimination.
Our technique uses a firm yet gentle rhythmic pressure to stimulate the lymph nodes, pump the system and encourage lymphatic flow resulting in:
  • Detoxing the body & building your immune system
  • Improved sleep quality 
  • Reduced bloating & water retention by inches
  • Breakdown of cellulite
Here’s how to prepare for your treatment:
  • No Fake Tan
  • You will NOT be able to have this massage if you’re feeling any cold or flu symptoms, as this will make you feel more ill & prolong your healing process. 
  • Eat a light meal. Anything too heavy may affect your bodies ability to stimulate your lymphatic system as it will be using energy to process your meal.
  • HYRATE! Drinking plenty of water is crucial. We need to ensure that we’re starting to stimulate the lymphatic system.
  • On the day of your session, we suggest avoiding all food for at least 30 minutes beforehand.
It’s important to continue the stimulation of your lymphatic system, here’s how:
  • Drinking water to continue the flushing of toxins within your body.
  • Exercising within the first 24hrs to stimulate blood flow.
  • Get sweaty! We encourage the use of a sauna post treatment.
  • Wear loose clothing, underwear,
Personalised plans are very important to us at SLA, given everyone’s body is different. We advise booking in a series of sessions. One massage per week for 4 weeks and then continue treatment once a month for upkeep. If you experience a high frequency of common colds, allergies or headaches, a course of 3 lymphatic drainage sessions every three months is very beneficial.
If you have underlying conditions, please seek guidance from a practitioner or specialist.
You will not be able to receive a lymphatic massage if you experience any of the following:
  • Cancer or leukemia
  • Kidney or heart conditions
  • Blood clots
  • Weakened immune system
  •  Lymphatic disorder
  •  Cold or flu symptoms
  • 2 weeks post-surgery 
(However please seek guidance from surgeon)
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