Signature Vital Green Detox Juice – 330 mL

Introducing our ‘Signature Vital Green Detox’, a crafted blend of nature’s finest ingredients, designed to rejuvenate your body, refresh your senses, and support your weight loss journey.

Each element in this fusion plays a unique role in your well-being. Fennel and ginger provide a hint of spiciness, balanced by the crispness of celery and cucumbers. Kale and romaine lettuce infuse your body with essential nutrients, while key lime and green apples add a zesty, tangy sweetness. The final touch of mint offers a refreshing, rejuvenating note.

With ‘Signature Vital Green Detox,’ you’re providing your body with the ideal support for your weight loss goals, all within a delicious, revitalizing experience. Reset, refresh, and embark on your path to a healthier, more balanced you.

£6.50 available on subscription


100% RAW ORGANIC – Kale, Celery, Fennel, Cucumbers, Romaine Lettuce, Green Apples, Ginger, Mint

The vitamins found in ‘Signature Vital Green Detox’ include:

💚Vitamin K (from kale) – Essential for blood clotting and bone health.

💚Vitamin C, A (from key lime) – A potent antioxidant that bolsters the immune system, promotes radiant skin, and aids in weight management. Also, supporting healthy vision and immune function.

💚Vitamin B6 (from green apples) – Supports brain function, energy metabolism, and helps control appetite.

With ‘Signature Vital Green Detox,’ you’re providing your body with the ideal support for your weight loss goals, all within a delicious, revitalizing experience. Reset, refresh, and embark on your path to a healthier, more balanced you.


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